Tuesday 3 December 2013

Call me what you will

Paul Walker, arguably one of the best action actors of our generation and a key character in the hit movie franchise "fast and furious" is(as of saturday 30 November) dead.
The 40 year old actor was in the car when it crashed into a lamp post and caught fire. Both occupants were killed on site.  Reports claim that he was not behind the wheel at the time of the accident. An inquiry into the circumstances regarding the accident is currently underway.
What gets to me about this story is the way in which everyone has forgotten about the other driver, the one who was killed along with Paul Walker in the crash. what about him? His family, friends, hopes dreams? All anyone seems capable of discussing is the 'tragic' death of Paul walker. Why does no one care about the driver? The answer is simple; he wasn't famous enough.  That is the sad reality of life or rather our society; unless you become someone worthy of note, no one will bother to even find out your name. Despite the fame, with time people forget about you and I can gurantee that in another 5 years you'll look at you friend and say "who was that actor, the hot one from fast and furious who died?" Your friend will look at you blank faced and casually shrug in the universal signature move. "I don't know," then together the two of you will shrug off the matter and continue on your merry way. Now that being the scenario for those of our population who in life         successfully managed to be be labelled as 'a celebrity', how much more insignificant are we? The billions upon billions of people scattered across the globe.
Reading this, you probably realise that you are in fact one of the masses, pause and ask yourself this, if you died today, who would remember you? Who would care?
When one realises how fickle we are as humans, you wonder why you even bother to impress. Why would you please people who will forget you one day? People who will move on while you lay stone cold, six feet under. Then consider this, if you don't live to please people, what do you live for, what is the purpose to ones life? We are born, we are educated, worked until we are of no use to our society and then we die.  No matter how individualistic one may be, the ultimate truth is that we are all following the exact same pattern as that of those before us. Those of us who chose not to (or can not) work and do not have the means to support themselves simply become a burden onto society. From birth till death we are taught to shun this way of life, to work, work, work and earn your living and for what? So you can live comfortably as you await death?
Call me crazy but there must be more to life than that and if not found in life, then forgive me for believing that my peace and purpose will be found in the after life.
For if I truly stopped believing in anything more than the age old tedious pattern of birth to death, I surely would not be able to endure the torture and I would end it before I worked myself to the bone for no apparent reason. Call me a fool but I refuse to accept that it is birth to death and nothing more. Call me stupid for refusing to accept your truth but I refuse to accept that after I die  I shall cease to exist. Call me religious if u will , but atleast I've found a purpose for my life. A reason for living and existing. Call me a dreamer for believing life is but a dream before I wake up to the big picture. Call me what you will, but I believe.

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