
Tuesday 17 December 2013


For 364 days of the year (no not 365, since that is the day they wait for), children and adults alike await the arrival of Christmas and Santa Claus. The deafening sounds of festive caroling, the laborious toiling involved with Christmas dinner and above all the hustle and bustle of christmas shopping. But what truly is the point of Christmas?
Christians would argue that it it is a time set aside to celebrate jesus birth, so why then is it the most expensive time of year? Born in a stable as he was, materialism could surely not have been his life long desire and yet we honour his birth not by considering others but indulging in gluttonous expenditure designed to leave you a dress size bigger than what you previously were.
If one were to be brutally honest with themselves, they would eventually reach the same conclusion that I have. Christmas is a superficial pointless celebration that has been fuelled by retailers in order to generate profit. For many It is a time where nothing matters more than having that new game or that new console. It is nothing more than an excuse to lavish money better spent elsewhere on frivolities that will be forgotten before the new year countdown begins and it is above all an excuse for many to be openly be selfish. It is not the thought that counts but rather the size and worth of said present that truly makes a difference; anyone who claims otherwise is deceiving others and perhaps they themselves believe the falsification. Christmas has lost all meaning and it is a time of nothing but the accumulation of materialistic goods. Try to just have one christmas with no presents and see for yourself the reaction you receive, after all, if it's the birth of jesus we celebrate, why then are we the ones to receive meaningless presents handpicked from the new argos catalogue. Forgive for saying so, but Christmas means nothing.
This realisation is the penultimate step between childishness and maturity and accepting this truth is what marks the end of youthful ignorance. It is a truth that all adults know but ignore for the sake of tradition.

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