Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Are medical Sciences and Religion capable of functioning cohesively in modern day society? Dissertation Outline

Are medical Sciences and Religion capable of functioning cohesively in modern day society?
Dissertation Outline

Introduction (800 words)
Consider what is deemed as a “religion” and what religion exactly will my dissertation be addressing. What is meant by “medical science”? Outline the basic area’s which the research hopes to address in order to answer the question.
These may include but not be limited to:
The dangers of Faith healing
The conflict between Christian morality and medical practices
Current research on the power and limitations of prayer

Briefly consider the historical context surrounding the relationship between the two focusing more on religious aversion to medical advancements such as autopsies and the study of human biology rather than the atypical well know history of witch trials and general intolerance.

Outline the denominations of Christianity that are to be considered, these being:
Pentecostals (with the inclusion of Anglicans)
Sect groups (Christians science and the Jehovah’s witness are to be considered as such)
Offer a definition and explanation of the difference between the three chosen denominations outlining what a sect group is considered to be and why the two groups have been defined as such.
Research review (1800 words)
Outline relevant sources from which most of my idea’s stem
Critique the sources based on
Purpose (what was the intention behind the source, could there be any ulterior motivation?)
Origin ( Where did the source come from, are they someone who should be relied upon or should the source be viewed as opinion rather than fact)
Nature (Is the source primary or secondary? Has it been para-phrased by anyone?)
Explain the interview process used in obtaining 1st hand research, explaining why it was necessary to collect this information. (Include portions of transcripts or offer transcripts within the bibliography )
Analyse the interview questions used :
What did I hope to find out
Did the question achieve this
How could the questions be further improved

Discussion/Development/Analysis (2700 words)
Religious opinion regarding modern day medical science
Religion: Hindrance or Beneficial to treatment?
Are there medical benefits of prayer to treatment?
Meditative effect
Placebo effect
Christian science church
Faith healing
Christian beliefs and the law regarding parents decision to choose alternative medical treatment for their children
Jehovah’s witness and blood transfusions
Christian science church
Can a doctors religion affect the treatment they give to patients

Conclusion (500 words)
What does the future hold for the two fields of study?
Reflect on all source material, pondering how each of the two sub points (Religious opinion regarding modern day medical science and Religion: Hindrance or Beneficial to treatment?) are useful in helping to produce an acceptable conclusion. Consider what extent anyone can ever fully attempt to answer this controversial topic and the lack of factual evidence surrounding the issue. How has my conclusion to this question altered during investigations (Evidence of this is to be found in my weekly journal)

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