There are a ton of articles strewn all over the internet, each week, as i come across something new i will attempt to write about it and say whether or not I agree with the expressed viewpoints
Friday, 27 December 2013
DON’T “Just be yourself”
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Santa claus
Santa Claus is perhaps the worlds most famous alcoholic pervet , and yet everyone accepts him for who he is.
In the dead of night while the little ones are asleep, he shimmies his was down the chimney (which is a truly trying task considering his bulk) and yet somehow he achieves this almost supernatural feat. Suprisingly, he has in all the centuries that have passed since he began his career, never thought to open the front door. All that travel through chimneys cant be good for him and its a wonder he hasnt yet developed some lung cancer or other serious ailement.
The man who is clearly an opportunistic slave driver exploits a poor race of smaller beings. Being the villain that he is, the man overworks the poor souls, while he sleeps and recuperates for 364 days of the year. Yet somehow he alone receives the glory.
Frugal as he is, he refuses to invest in a more conventional transportation vehicle chosing instead to keep enslaved reindeer for his own pleasure. He forces the broken animals to drag not only weight but the considerable amount of presents destined to find their way to some young child who he has been moniteering for a full year. (Creepy much?) The man is truly above the law, not only is his chosen mode of transport questionable, he only has one inadequate headlight. Instead of seeking medical help for the animal that has clearly at some point been exposed to radiation, he continues to use the animals possible source of pain and embarrassment for his own gain. How callous he is.
This is by far not his only road offence, the man will partake of brandy or some such other alcoholic concoction at every house that he vists and considering that the world now has over 7billion people, the man clearly operares his transportation device while he is heavily above the limit.
With all this alcohol helping to free his inhibitions, it is unthinkable what the man is capable of doing once inside your home. Perhaps this state of drunkeness is what leads him to enter through the chimney and not the provided entrance door. Considering that his life is devoted to watching over children, the ideas that may posses him while he loiters in your foyer (in the dead of night) are disturbing to say the very least; it is only a matter of time before his depravity escalates to such an extent.
Consuming all this alcoohol must have by now caused irreparable damage to his liver and since he is not actually formally employed, the NHS must be keeping him alive. His lack of employment also means that he is also living of the back of the tax payer and so he infact does nothing for Christmas, the money for the presents is not even his.
His life is to monitor children and nothing else, and since he is watching at every moment "he sees you when you're sleeping" it is also logical to assume that he is aware of when said children are bathing or performing any other bodily functions making him a pervert and perhaps even a paedophile. The fact that he also "knows when you're awake" suggests underlying stalking tendencies. Santa Claus is a true menace to society and he must be stopped before it is too late.
Christians would argue that it it is a time set aside to celebrate jesus birth, so why then is it the most expensive time of year? Born in a stable as he was, materialism could surely not have been his life long desire and yet we honour his birth not by considering others but indulging in gluttonous expenditure designed to leave you a dress size bigger than what you previously were.
If one were to be brutally honest with themselves, they would eventually reach the same conclusion that I have. Christmas is a superficial pointless celebration that has been fuelled by retailers in order to generate profit. For many It is a time where nothing matters more than having that new game or that new console. It is nothing more than an excuse to lavish money better spent elsewhere on frivolities that will be forgotten before the new year countdown begins and it is above all an excuse for many to be openly be selfish. It is not the thought that counts but rather the size and worth of said present that truly makes a difference; anyone who claims otherwise is deceiving others and perhaps they themselves believe the falsification. Christmas has lost all meaning and it is a time of nothing but the accumulation of materialistic goods. Try to just have one christmas with no presents and see for yourself the reaction you receive, after all, if it's the birth of jesus we celebrate, why then are we the ones to receive meaningless presents handpicked from the new argos catalogue. Forgive for saying so, but Christmas means nothing.
This realisation is the penultimate step between childishness and maturity and accepting this truth is what marks the end of youthful ignorance. It is a truth that all adults know but ignore for the sake of tradition.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Fat people truly are "Evil"
Friday, 13 December 2013
The reality of “the imaginary friend”
The initial assumption, would be that an imaginary friend is conceived in order to satisfy the void of loneliness inside a child, however, a recent compilation of some of the more sinister statements youngster have uttered in regards to their imagined friends challenges this belief and poses the question that none has yet to answer; Are imaginary friends proof of an overactive mind, or are they beings (demonic or otherwise) only made manifest to childish innocence, uncorrupted by the cynicism of our society?
In one particularly disturbing instance a young girl of three tells her parents about her imaginary friend “Kelly” fast forward two years, as the family sit watching the horror movie “Amityville”, their five year old daughter stumbles onto the scene, precisely at that moment, the dead soulless demon appears on screen. The child casually remarks that the macabre phenomenon is the spitting image of her friend “Kelly”. The family shocked as they are ignore all this and simply continue with their day to day lives. Personally, upon reading this. one would strongly suggest a psychiatrist for this child. Either she is delusional, or the child suffers from (judging from this scenario) a case of pathological lying. In any case, a psychiatrist would be the best possible solution for this particular youngster.
Another child, this time a little boy of age 7 claimed his acquaintance and accomplice aptly named “the captain” would continually instruct him to commit murder, upon protesting, “the captain” would argue that after a while, the killing would become enjoyable. Regardless of whether or not “the captain” was a figment of the boy’s imagination, medical help would surely benefit this disturbed prepubescent. Perhaps some time spent in an institutional asylum off sorts would cure him of his insanity.
Though we have come to accept “the imaginary friend” as a common place feature of childhood, one would argue that if we were to pause and process what the children around us are truly saying, we would conclude that many of them deserve to permanently be institutionalised and guided through the perilous road that is childhood. If their minds conjure up scenes of murder and other such sombre scenarios of their own volition, then a visit to the psychiatrist for a thorough assessment would most certainly not be amiss. After all, one less psychopath integrated in our society simply means a safer existence for all. Imaginary friends, whether they be individuals from the spiritual realm or otherwise, a surely an insight into the psych of our children and they should not be lightly dismissed.
Original article:
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Call me what you will
Paul Walker, arguably one of the best action actors of our generation and a key character in the hit movie franchise "fast and furious" is(as of saturday 30 November) dead.
The 40 year old actor was in the car when it crashed into a lamp post and caught fire. Both occupants were killed on site. Reports claim that he was not behind the wheel at the time of the accident. An inquiry into the circumstances regarding the accident is currently underway.
What gets to me about this story is the way in which everyone has forgotten about the other driver, the one who was killed along with Paul Walker in the crash. what about him? His family, friends, hopes dreams? All anyone seems capable of discussing is the 'tragic' death of Paul walker. Why does no one care about the driver? The answer is simple; he wasn't famous enough. That is the sad reality of life or rather our society; unless you become someone worthy of note, no one will bother to even find out your name. Despite the fame, with time people forget about you and I can gurantee that in another 5 years you'll look at you friend and say "who was that actor, the hot one from fast and furious who died?" Your friend will look at you blank faced and casually shrug in the universal signature move. "I don't know," then together the two of you will shrug off the matter and continue on your merry way. Now that being the scenario for those of our population who in life successfully managed to be be labelled as 'a celebrity', how much more insignificant are we? The billions upon billions of people scattered across the globe.
Reading this, you probably realise that you are in fact one of the masses, pause and ask yourself this, if you died today, who would remember you? Who would care?
When one realises how fickle we are as humans, you wonder why you even bother to impress. Why would you please people who will forget you one day? People who will move on while you lay stone cold, six feet under. Then consider this, if you don't live to please people, what do you live for, what is the purpose to ones life? We are born, we are educated, worked until we are of no use to our society and then we die. No matter how individualistic one may be, the ultimate truth is that we are all following the exact same pattern as that of those before us. Those of us who chose not to (or can not) work and do not have the means to support themselves simply become a burden onto society. From birth till death we are taught to shun this way of life, to work, work, work and earn your living and for what? So you can live comfortably as you await death?
Call me crazy but there must be more to life than that and if not found in life, then forgive me for believing that my peace and purpose will be found in the after life.
For if I truly stopped believing in anything more than the age old tedious pattern of birth to death, I surely would not be able to endure the torture and I would end it before I worked myself to the bone for no apparent reason. Call me a fool but I refuse to accept that it is birth to death and nothing more. Call me stupid for refusing to accept your truth but I refuse to accept that after I die I shall cease to exist. Call me religious if u will , but atleast I've found a purpose for my life. A reason for living and existing. Call me a dreamer for believing life is but a dream before I wake up to the big picture. Call me what you will, but I believe.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Should bully induced suicide be treated as murder?
I recently found a website called on which in a less formal structure, two people debate against each other on a variety of different topics. This week, instead of analyzing an article, I engaged in one of these debates. The motion was: Should bully induced suicide be treated as murder? I was against (con) while my opponent was (pro) the idea. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about this issue because I myself am not sure where i stand.
Monday, 25 November 2013
There is no point to Kanye West's Bound 2 video
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Lately it seems that the term ‘slut’ has become a term of endearment between friends with some girls even going as far as calling themselves sluts. Why? What gives someone the desire to be called a slut, to be publicly recognized as ‘promiscuous’? The simple answer is
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Why deny your heritage?
I have been asked on countless occasions if the rest of my family live in mud huts; not only is there never any evidence to suggest this, but those who dare show such arrogance, are often aware that my family do not live in mud huts and contrary to popular belief neither did my grandparents. I came to the UK when I was only eight years old, never the less I would like to believe that in the eight years since, I have managed to remain true to my African heritage. Why then does it seem as if nearly every black girl around is trying to deny their roots?
Black girls everywhere are trying desperately to fit into the European community around them and though I can empathise with their reasons, it is a deeply saddening thing to observe. These girls in an attempt to meld themselves into that which they are not are now being referred to as 'ratchet'.
Black beautiful girls are undergoing hours of pain at the hair dressers getting weaves that resemble birds nests, stuffing their voluptuous curves -that are atypical of many African women -into air restricting bits of material (that can not be classified under any stretch of the imagination) as clothes. The boys are just as bad.
To an extent this change in the girls can be traced back to their male counterparts. It seems that many boys will (upon entering the UK) strive to eradicate any trace of the African within them. Some will even go to the extent of shunning all that is African and will claim to favour 'white girls'.
These 'Africans in Denial' as I often call them are some of the most racist people I have ever met and it is these sorts of people who I believe are helping to maintain the stereotypes that shroud the beauty that is Africa behind negativity. I wont lie, Africa does indeed have its problems; poverty among them, but these AD's (Africans in Denial) constantly focus on Africa's negative points in order to gain sympathy and acceptance with their peers. Instead of schooling those around them, they will bow to the pressure and play up the stereotype to the full. I often hear most AD's claiming to not like Africa because everyone there is poor and wants their money, one can only laugh, and I have resisted the urge on countless occasions to ridicule such people.
In a foreign country that is miles away from all that they once knew, they have found a way to survive and fit in.