Friday 27 December 2013

DON’T “Just be yourself”

From the moment we first enter into society, we are bombarded with carefully constructed lies designed to indulge us in our idiocy and hinder us from progressing in our daily lives. These falsehoods are often offered in dismissal so that the rest of society is not forced to deal with you wallowing in self pity and are will supposedly boost your confidence (for a while). There is nothing more dangerous than believing said lies.

Lie number one: You should just be yourself
Often when unsure of themselves, people are encouraged to be themselves, worst advice ever. Being you in a completely alien environment is beyond stupid, one must use their own personal judgment to discern the manner in which they should present themselves. The way one would act whilst partaking of a meal in the presence of the queen differs greatly to a more relaxed dinner amongst family. There the particularly crass might comfortably break wind or casually remark upon a much required bowel movement. Sitting across from the Queen however, the conversation would be much more conservative. If not then it is unlikely that you will be called back to Buckingham palace for a second visit. So maybe that scenario was a little extreme, if you want to see that being you is a load of bollocks then consider this: is there a difference between the way you act with friends and the way you act with family? If there isn't then you either have a really laissez-faire household, or your friends are shit.
Lie number two: It’s the inside that counts
Now though this to some extent can be argued to be true, it is the most dangerous lie out there. Fed on a regular basis to ugly girls by their supportive mothers, this grotesque manipulation of the truth leads many females into believing that if they shouldn't even bother with their appearance because a guy must appreciate the inner beauty. *newsflash* If the outside doesn't look good, who’s going to stick around long enough to see what’s inside? Imagine this, two houses are up for sale, one is right next to a burst sewage pipe, there is sewage spewing forth from the ruptured pipe. The road is ridden with potholes; it’s in a rough neighborhood and in a general state of disrepair. No one sticks around to enter in, however, if one were to enter in, they would realise that in contrast to the outside, everything inside is perfectly clean and it rather impressive to say the least, Chandeliers, the lot. The other home that is for sale is located in a more respectable neighborhood; the grounds are neatly maintained overall highly aesthetically pleasing. The interior of the house is however in somewhat of a shambles. Because the outside is so well maintained and attractive, one is almost always willing to compromise and accept the house on the presumption that the interior can be restored to its former glory. The same is true for people if the outside looks like a pile of shit no one cares what’s on the inside, because they never stick around long enough to find out. Let the interior match the exterior and if it doesn't? Then compensate for that shit interior with stunning outer casing. All in all, the inside only counts if the outside is worth looking at.

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