Monday 16 December 2013

Fat people truly are "Evil"

Being overweight was once upon a time in the days of old, interpreted as a sign of lavish wealth and prosperity. However: with the birth of “junk food”, double chins and abnormally large abdomens, it has became a regular social norm no longer reserved for the elite. This influx of fatties has created a society of “fat slammers”. The larger ones among us have responded in kind by becoming horrid gluttonous masses that despise all things healthy, or introverted pitiful individuals. Now understand that this does not relate to the plump or overweight members of our society, but rather is referencing the grotesquely obese who are in that position due to an abundant lack of self control. A recent controversial article has been hurtling across the World Wide Web, sparking debates between the young and old, men and women alike. The opinionated post – “5 reasons fat people are evil”, -was an attack on all things “fat”.

The author (2Wycked) had five inarguably good reasons for why it was that the generously proportioned among us, were soulless heathens, on a straight course to the eternal damnation of hell. Firstly, this particular group of people are the definition of selfish, the main goal in their lives always to gratify their ever tingling taste buds and satisfy their ever present sexual frustrations with inordinate amounts of calorie rich foods. In the mirror, faced with the morbid evidence of greed and insatiability, some choose to cower behind baggy unattractive pieces of clothing that do everything to hide their unsightly bodies, while others remain disillusioned and continue to wear skimpy strips of nothing that offer no protection from the repugnant sight of their scantly clad bodies.  When confronted by more svelte human specimens these fat people argue that big is beautiful, but not when it has progressed to the point of overhanging stomachs that act as a blanket for the genitals. “Good things come in small packages”.  Notably it has been found that those of a larger than average physique, almost always emit a putrid stench of sweat, passed gas and general smells only caused by a general unhygienic lifestyle.

Because of all these characteristics, fat people often find themselves as outcasts and must make a conscious effort to be accepted by their peers. They do this in one of two ways: become the clown, or use their size to dominate others. It is the latter instance which allows them to truly be dubbed as “evil”. In order to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy, they target and inferiorise those who pose as a threat to them or remind them of their foul lifestyle. Instead of changing their lifestyle to something more maintainably healthy (that is not a shortcut to a heart attack), fatties will attempt to ridicule those around them in order to boost their fragile esteem. Evil – something that is harmful – their mission to inflict themselves upon others is surely the definition of evil? There is noting worse than a person whose sole mission is to demoralize others, and that is something that 2Wycked tried to communicate in his article. Unfortunately for him, his wording of the article seemed, for all intents and purpose, to be an uninspired attack on our society’s heavier occupants.

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